Letter to My Son on His 2nd Birthday

My Sunshine Boy,

Today you’re turning TWO YEARS OLD. I can hardly believe that you’ve been a part of our lives for 730 days. 730 days that my heart has lived outside my body. 

I remember dreaming about what you’d be like before you were born. Who would you look more like? What would make you laugh until your tummy hurt? Would you like music and books? Would you like peanut butter, or hate it like your dada?

I remember also dreaming about the day you’d call me “Mama” for the first time and when you’d take your first wobbly steps. While your first two years have been different than we expected in a lot of ways, they’ve also been the most beautiful, fun, rewarding two years of my life so far. 

You have brought so much joy and happiness to our lives. You are the most amazing little human and I continue to learn from you every single day. I think I’ve learned more from you and from being your Mama than just about anyone or anything else in the world. 

And while I don’t know yet when I’ll get to hear your first words or see your first steps, I know that you’re going to do great things in this life. You’re going to change the world. You’re already doing it. You’ve changed my whole world. 

You’re so brave, so kind and have the sweetest little soul. You have touched the lives of so many people already in your two short years and I don’t see that stopping any time soon. I am so incredibly proud to be your Mama. 

Happiest birthday to you, my little dude. 


p.s. You totally love peanut butter and that makes my heart so happy. Sorry, dada. Reese’s all around!


A Seat at The Table


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