Why a Blog?

I’ve had a desire burning in my heart for a while now to write and process what we’re going through with words. The past 2 years have been incredibly difficult. Luca’s been through a lot (you can read more about our journey here) and so have I. Sometimes it seems like I’m staring at someone else’s life when I think about everything we’ve gone through the past 24 months. Or when I’m looking straight at the mountain that’s my future forever standing in my way of seeing anything clearly. 

I get a lot of questions about how I handle this all. How do I stay so strong? I never know how to answer that question because I don’t feel very strong at all. But I’ve been pretty good at processing trauma in my life and I think that’s related to always writing down my thoughts. Whether it’s a letter or an Instagram post, I’ve always found great comfort in writing. I also find great comfort in knowing that God has a plan for our lives and He will never desert us. 

So when I thought about processing this journey through words, I really wasn’t sure where to start. I’ve always kind of hated the idea of having a journal, but I’ve always loved to write. Putting a pen to paper -- or in this case, fingers to keyboard -- has always been something I’ve loved. I find so much beauty in painting a picture through words. 

Admittedly, starting a blog felt very 2013 when the idea first popped in my head. Do people still read blogs? Maybe this will just be my own little therapy session to braindump all the thoughts that stir in my brain.

But here I am, starting a blog. 

I’m hoping these words bring others comfort in some way too. Whether it’s a mama on a similar journey or someone going through something equally hard, I want people to know that there’s light in every journey, even if sometimes it feels like all you see is darkness.

As a kid I always envisioned myself as an author. The idea of writing a book sounded so accomplished to me. Maybe one day I’ll get there. But for now, I’ll just be here writing my thoughts on this blog. The good stuff. The bad stuff. The in-between stuff.


An Unknown Journey